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Project Medical care

We set up this project in 2020 because we were confronted with the situation of Socorro, head teacher in the semi-boarding house in Lábrea, Amazones. She needed urgent medical treatment because of heart problems. For this she had to travel to Minas Gerais to be operated on by a heart surgeon. After returning to the jungle, she still had to go to the hospital in Manaus several times for check-ups. Her condition is stable at the moment, but she remains under hospital control. As ELO we have very regular personal contact with her and Aubelicio, her husband. We also see that the local church helps with the costs, which are not covered by health insurance. We are happy that we were able to be a link in this situation.

The medical facilities in Brazil are limited and sometimes only accessible to people if they have a lot of money. Luis and Cristine, the leaders of the OSFA's work in Brazil, needed medical care. Luis is the chairman of the board and does a lot of work as a volunteer. Not only to direct the work throughout Brazil, but also practically as a construction worker (!) Cristine is the head of the work in Minas Gerais where there are several childcare projects. In addition, they lead three small churches in the region. Because of serious back problems, they needed physiotherapy, which we made possible through this project. The corona virus has not passed them by either. Cristine had to be hospitalized for a period, but is now happily back home.

In 2021 en 2022 hebben we kunnen helpen in de medische kosten voor fysiotherapie Luis en Cristine. De afgelopen periode (juli 2022) hebben we mogen helpen in de kosten van de orthodontist voor Christiane.  Dit zijn grote onkosten voor de werkers in Brazilie, die zij niet vergoed krijgen uit een verzekering en zij vanuit hun inkomen niet kunnen betalen.

Heel hartelijk dank voor jullie hulp ! 

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