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To Brazil (4)

There are times when I feel completely Brazilian, immersed in language and culture... some of the people god warmed our hearts for and called us to serve him in that distant land, but.... Last weekend, the Rotterdammer in me stood completely upright. Revival in our city, our Ahoy, baptizing in the fountain on Hofplein. awesome, right? What a feast, to celebrate from a great distance and to share with brothers and sisters in the Amazon. and to pray with them and thank God for what He does!

On Sunday I had the opportunity to share briefly in the Filadélfia church, share about God who loves even hidden people in the jungle, sees them, loves them and proves His love in forgiveness and miracles and signs.

After the service we walked across the central square of the village and after a long time I met Pastor Marinaldo and his wife. He has built a simple church on the outskirts of the village and is passionately committed to winning people over to Jesus.

The construction in Labrea, now has the right height to lay the ceiling on it. That's quite a job here in the Amazon, which requires a lot of iron, pebbles, cement and sand. Pre-fab ceilings are used in the civilized world, but that is not available here. These are days of negotiating the price of all the material and the people who will carry it out. The first estimate is a hefty expense of € 9000. That was a bit of a shock, but this is because it is first of all a large surface area, but also because a floor is being built on it. These days the decision must be made and the order given. In these things, too, we trust in God. This is His work that He gives as a blessing to many families in Labrea.

Just a few more pictures of Labrea on the river Purus.



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